
Looking for a job

Page history last edited by Béatrice H. Alves 7 years, 4 months ago

Looking for a job



Most common questions




Panel Interview with HR 

  • Why did you become a pilot?
  • Outline your career to date in two or three minutes?
  • Why did you pick Emirates?
  • What would you present company say about you?
  • What do you have to offer to Emirates?
  • If you don't get hired what will you do?
  • Where do you see yourself in 15 years? A good answer: Hopefully training captain or TRE with Emirates. Make them believe you want the job and you want to stay for a long time.
  • Who do you know at Emirates? And what would they say about you.
  • Why did you join your present company?
  • Why do you want to quit (your present company)?
  • Of your immediate superiors, whom do you admire most? What do you admire most about them?
  • How did your parents influence your life?
  • What would your wife say is your greatest fault?
  • When do you think you can leave your present job?
  • Rate how your sim session went
  • what do you have to offer to Emirates
  • Why should we hire you over all other candidates?
  • What don't you like about your current flying career?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • Why do you want to fly?
  • Describe your childhood?
  • What does your parent expect of you?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What does your family think about moving to Dubai?
  • How does your children about moving to Dubai?
  • If you come home from work one day and your wife was crying and said that she wanted to leave Dubai? How would you handle it?
  • Have you or your wife changed your mind about moving to Dubai?
  • Did you bring your wife with you? If not, explain? A good answer is that she had to stay home and take care of the kids. But she is committed to move to Dubai
  • What do you think about unions? Would you join one?
  • What do you know about the school system/ and what do you think about it?
  • If you had a choice, what airplane would you like to fly?
  • Have you ever had a close call in an airplane?
  • Describe your CRM training that you have had?
  • Why should we hire you over someone else with the same qualifications?
  • How would a copilot or Captain annoy you?
  • What other companies have you applied to? Why?
  • How would you handle a problem with a crew member?
  • Is the financial benefit the most important reason to come to Emirates?
  • What is the biggest mistake you have ever made?
  • If you aren't hired what do you think would be the most likely reason?
  • How do you expect your lifestyle to change if you move to Dubai?
  • How did you prepare for this interview?
  • What do you know about Islam?
  • Tell me a time you had to make a decision where you didn't have the full picture?
  • Tell me a time where you had to make a stand and stuck to it when others tried to influence you in another direction?
  • Tell me a time when you had to break a rule?
  • Tell me a time when you had problems with a superior?
  • Tell me a time when you had problems with a subordinate?
  • Tell me a time when you had to say no?
  • Tell me about a time when someone overstepped your command?

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Tips to behave and answer

Structure your answer

What can you tell me about yourself?

  • Start with a quick introduction of yourself, your interests and your current position.
  • Then go all the way back to the beginning of your interest in aviation, leading into your first job and subsequent career.
  • Bring your story to a class with a brief summary of your current employment.


What do you have to offer to our company?

  • State your positive qualities.
  • For each of them, explain what you mean and give some example.
  • Don’t forget to conclude by something such as, “This is what I will bring your company.”


Why do you want to work for us?

  • Company: State how you feel about the company, its reputation, its financial state, its growth, its awards, etc.
  • Airplanes and Flights: Talk about what you know of their current and future fleet and destinations and which part of these is of your interest.
    • Pilot’s life: Speak about the crew, the staff, the career opportunities, the training, the lifestyle, etc.


What are your negative qualities?

  • State one of your negative qualities.
  • Explain why you think it is a weakness.
  • Insist that you are aware of it and tell what you are doing about it.


Tell us about a time when…

  • Describe the situation.
  • Explain what actions you took about it.
  • Tell what the result was, how it ended.


Technical questions

  • Keep your answer short and straight to the point.


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The STAR interview response technique

The STAR interview response technique is a way of answering job interview questions. It helps the job candidate provide concrete examples or proof that he or she has the experience and skills for the job.

Read below for a more detailed description of the STAR interview response technique, and examples of how to best use it.

What is the STAR Interview Response Technique?

The STAR interview response technique is a method for answering behavioral interview questions.

Behavioral interview questions are questions about how you have behaved in the past. Specifically, they are about how you have handled certain work situations. Interviewers ask these questions to see if candidates have the skills and experiences required for the job. One good way for them to see if candidates have what it takes is to look at past examples of performance.

Examples of behavioral interview questions include:

      • Tell me about a time you had to complete a task under a tight deadline.
      • Have you ever gone above and beyond the call of duty?
      • What do you do when a team member refuses to complete his or her portion of the work?

Some interviewers structure their questions using the STAR technique. However, job seekers can also use the STAR interview method to prepare for behavioral interview questions.

STAR is an acronym for four key concepts. Each concept is a step the job candidate can take to answer a behavioral interview question.


By completing all four steps, the job candidate provides a thorough answer. The concepts in the acronym include:

      • Situation
      • Task
      • Action
      • Result

Situation:  Describe the context within which you performed a job or faced a challenge at work. For example, perhaps you were working on a group project, or you had a conflict with a coworker.

This situation can be from a work experience, a volunteer position, or any other relevant event. Be as specific as possible.

Task: Next, describe your responsibility in that situation.  Perhaps you had to help your group complete a project under a tight deadline, or resolve a conflict with a coworker.

Action: You then describe how you completed the task or endeavored to meet the challenge. Focus on what you did, rather than what your team, boss, or coworker did.

Result: Finally, explain the outcomes or results generated by the action taken.  You might emphasize what you accomplished, or what you learned.

How to Prepare for an Interview Using STAR

Since you won’t know in advance what interviewing techniques your interviewer will be using, you’ll benefit from preparing several scenarios from the jobs you’ve held.

First, make a list of the skills and/or experiences required for the job. You might look at the job listing for suggestions. Then, consider specific examples of times that you displayed those skills. For each example, name the situation, task, action, and result.

You can also take a look at common behavioral interview questions, and try answering each of them using the STAR technique.



Whatever examples you select, make sure they are as closely related to the job you’re interviewing for as possible.

Read more about it on The Balance

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Don't lie

It's easy for professionals to spot a liar. Try it yourself here

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First, the phone interview

From Capt  Geoffrey - Cathay


Imagine yourself


What are your negative qualities?

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What to expect at Express Jet


How to succeed



More questions


Opening Questions

How was your journey? How did you get here? When did it start?

Have you been here long?

Did you hear about…….? It was on the news this morning. What do you think of it?

It’s not good being locked up inside here; what’s the weather like at the moment?

Tell us about yourself.

Company Knowledge 



Company history, philosophy and culture

Number of employees in different categories e.g. pilots

Duties and rosters

Night stop, layovers

Company perks



Company awards

Moral (beware of entering into this type of conversation; you may be asked an opinion)

Time to command

Union or association

Salaries and benefits

Company share prices

Profit, loss and turnover details for last financial year

Latest company issues or headlines and how they may affect us

Name of people in major positions



Chief pilot

Flight ops director

Fleet manager

Technical pilot

Company future plans, expansion, new routes

New aircraft or anything significant









Specific details about aircraft



Alliances (benefits)



Call signs


Personal Qualities 

Do you or have you ever smoked?

Do you drink much? Has it ever caused you any problems?

Have you ever driven after drinking?

Have you ever taken illegal drugs?

Tell us about your medical history, major incidents or surgical procedures.

Have you ever taken sick day? What for?

How many sick days have you taken in the last year? Why so many?

Have you ever had a problem with a medical examination?

Tell us about your family status, jobs, and your childhood; what are your parents like?

How will you and your family cope with living here for the rest of your life (somewhere different)? What if they are not happy; how will you deal with it?

Tell us about the sports, hobbies and interests in your free time outside of flying

What kind of lifestyle do you live, and like?

What was the last book you’ve read or last film you’ve seen? Why that book or film?

Do you like going out and meeting new people?

Do you have a mentor or role model?

What would people that you know say about you?

What are your personal goals?

What are your career goals?

What are your goals in 5 years?

What are your goals in 10 years?

What are your priorities in life?


Pilot Qualities 

What makes a good pilot?

What makes a bad pilot?

Do you want to be a captain? Why?

What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?

How do you formulate decisions? And have you regretted any you have made? In your opinion, what would be the hardest decision you have made?

Explain your style of leadership.

How do you feel about flying with different sex, race or age pilots?

Would you question decisions by other crew members and how would you deal with this disagreement? Especially in the cockpit.

What would you do if the other crew member broke or had intentions of breaking rules and regulations? Would you tell anybody?

What do you do when things start to get stressful? How do you manage your emotions in times of stress?

How do you let criticism affect you and how do you manage it? What about people who don’t like criticism; how do you manage them?

What are your duties as part of a crew?

Why are SOPs important? And what are they?

How will you cope with the intensive training?

How do you keep up with what is happening in the aviation industry?


Career History 

Why do you have an interest in flying and where did it start?

What are your likes and dislikes about the aviation industry and your previous positions, e.g. instructor, air taxi, etc.?

What do you think are the future challenges within the aviation industry?

What steps have you taken to plan your career or progress to date?

Summarize the flying positions you have held. Why so many?

Have you ever failed a flight test, exam, had your license suspended or broken any rules or regulations? If so, why?

Tell us about any accidents, incidents or in flight emergencies you have been involved in.

How do you rate your ability as a pilot?

What CRM training have you had and what do you know about it? (Different authorities give it different terms)

What would you do if your medical certificate was revoked and could not be a pilot anymore?

What type of flying and aircraft would you enjoy or prefer and why? (charter, corporate, regional, domestic, international, long-haul, freight, passenger, B777, A320, Learjet, etc.)



Where did you get your formal education? Why that schooling facility? How many years? What subjects did you enjoy and why? What were your results?

Where did you study and how did you pay for your training? How long did it take you? What were your reports and results?

What is your learning style?


Previous Employment 

Why change jobs?

What is wrong with your present job or boss?

Tell us about your employment before flying.

Any notable accomplishments in positions held?

What would your previous employer say about you if asked? Flying and non-aviation related.

What do you think of unions, associations, affirmative action and nepotism?


Job Search 

Why chose our company?

What do you know about airline operations and life as a pilot? Good points and bad points.

Any applications with other airlines? Why?

Have you been interviewed by any other airlines? What is their decision?

Do you want to work for the major airlines?

How did you prepare for this interview?

If another company offered you a job while you were being considered, what would you do?

If we offered you a job as a baggage handler or a flight engineer before flying as a pilot, what would you do?

You have just sent your application in; why did you wait so long?

What are your plans if we do not offer you a position?

Do you know anybody who works for our company?

Why should we employ you?



When did you achieve Solo/PPL/CPL/ATPL? (years, hours, where, who)


Multi engine



Type rating held. When and when obtained.

Hours on type, last flown

Hours flown last week / month / year?

Any other significant achievements or points in your aviation career / skills / duties? e.g. check training, safety or management.


Problem areas 

Past problem areas requiring clarification. Examples:

Employment gaps

Medical problems

Criminal record

Lots of different jobs

Job termination

Why did you leave that job?

Poor performance in education.

Didn’t finish an education course you started, e.g. a degree

Didn’t take or were not offered a command

Accidents and incidents

Family situations, e.g. deaths, divorces, etc.


Scenario Questions 

  • The captain goes below minima, wants to fly overweight or has flight path deviations beyond allowable tolerance, e.g. breaks regulations. What do you do?
  • You are about to depart and notice that you have left your flying license or passport at home. What do you do?
  • You are on a charter with football fans and have a very minor technical problem and you won’t arrive in time for the game. There is no engineering support and it is not MEL-able and your passengers are getting very angry. You also have a very important engagement to attend. What are you going to do?
  • You are in low visibility and the captain starts taxiing on the wrong taxiway. You know you are right. What do you do?
  • What would you do if you saw your cabin crew handling a customer service issue incorrectly?
  • You are cleared for takeoff but there are checklist items still to be completed (or cabin is not secure by the cabin crew) and the captain starts advancing the thrust levers for takeoff. What are you going to do?
  • You are reporting for flight duty and believe the captain is still under the effects of alcohol drunk? What will you do?
  • Your passengers think they are flying direct to their destination but, due to weather and fuel requirements you will have to make a refueling stop. How will you tell the passengers? They become furious and threaten to have you sacked. How will you handle this situation?
  • The captain is continually making sexual comments to one of your cabin crew. What will you do?
  • If you were given the job of picking cabin crew (flight attendants) for the company, how would you do it?



Closing questions

Closing statement


General interest 

List the latest

Major news headlines and issues

Major sporting events

People in key political position (prime minister, president, deputies, etc.)

People in key aviation position




Emirates employment model

Andrew Longley is Head of Recruitment – Flight Operations (Pilots) at Emirates. The airline operates to over 140 destinations with an all-widebody fleet of Boeing and Airbus aircraft. Emirates is the world’s largest operator of 777 and A380 aircraft.

Andrew Longley


Andy describes how the Emirates employment model is different than that of many other airlines. We take a look at the need to attract pilots and cabin crew from an international pool of candidates with strong leadership potential and good CRM skills. We also talk about pilot certification requirements, the Dubai lifestyle and airline accommodation of employee families, salaries, housing, medical insurance, and other career opportunities at Emirates.


Listen to him on Airplane Geeks  If you are in a hurry he starts at 0:38:00


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Emirates – Qatar – Personal Questions 


1. Why did you become a pilot?

2. Outline your career to date. In two or three minutes, outline your military/civilian career.

3. Why did you pick Emirates?

4. What would your present company say about you?

5. What do you have to offer to Emirates?

6. If you don’t get hired what will you do?

7. Where do you see yourself in 15 years?

8. Who do you know at Emirates? Which one do you know best? What would they say about you?

9. Why did you join (your present company)?

10. Why do you want to quit (your present company)?

11. Who do you know that has been to our interviews? Can you see the difference between those who have been hired and those who were not?

12. Of your immediate superiors, whom do you admire most (someone you would use as a role model)? What do you admire most about them? What sort of reference would he give you?

13. What do you think about being a First Officer for 5 years?

14. How did your mother and father influence your life?

15. What would your wife say is your greatest fault?

16. When do you think you can leave your present job?

17. Do you have any questions?

18. What do you think about your present boss? Does he have any faults?

19. Rate how your sim session went.

20. How did you prepare for this interview?

21. What do you have to offer to Emirates?

22. Why should we hire you over all the other candidates?

23. Why didn’t you fly fighters? (for Air Force multi-engine pilots)? Why did you fail the Hawk/Tornado/CF-5/CF-18 course?

24. Give us an overview of your past career.

25. What don’t you like about your current flying career?

26. What are your weaknesses? Everybody has weaknesses, what is/are yours?

27. Why do you want to fly?

28. Describe your family and childhood.

29. What do your parents expect of you?

30. What does your wife/family think of you coming here?

31. What are your hobbies? What do you do in your spare time?

32. How do your children feel about moving to United Arab Emirates?

33. If you came home from work one day and your wife was crying and said that she wanted to leave UAE, how would you handle it?

34. What do you think of the school system?

35. If you had a choice, what airplane would you like to fly?

36. Have you ever had a close call in an airplane?

37. What did you think of the Tech Exam? How well did you do?

38. What kind of person are you?

39. What don’t you like about your current job?

40. When are you available for work with Emirates?

41. Describe the CRM training that you have had.

42. Why should we hire you over someone else with the same qualifications?

43. How would a First Officer annoy you?

44. What other companies have you applied to? Why?

45. Why don’t you want to stay in Britain/Australia/Canada?

46. Outline your present duties.

47. How would you handle a problem with a crew member?

48. What would your crew say about you?

49. Is the financial benefit the most important reason to come to Emirates?

50. What is the biggest mistake you have ever made?

51. If you aren’t hired, what do you think would be the most likely reason?

52. We have 3 RAF F3 (your company/your aircraft) pilots here this session, if we could only hire one of them which one should we hire?

53. How do you expect your lifestyle to change if you move to UAE?

54. What is your biggest concern about moving to UAE?

55. What has been your most rewarding job?

56. What was your most difficult decision as an aircraft captain?

57. What don’t you like about the military?

58. What difficulties have you had with a back end captain (for RAF Nimrod pilots)?

59. What do you think makes the difference between an average Captain and a good Captain?

60. Why and what do you like about instructing? What do you dislike about instructing?


Emirates – Qatar – General Questions 


1. What do you know about Emirates? What do you know about Emirates Group?

2. What is good about UAE? What is bad? Have you ever been there?

3. What do you think of unions? Would you join one?

4. What will be your biggest challenge in moving to Dubai? Have you or your wife changed your mind about moving to Dubai?

5. Why do you want to work in Dubai?

6. What is the hardest thing about working in NATO?

7. Compare flying in the RAF and the CF.

8. What would/will put you off the most about living in Dubai?

9. What would you do if the union was in a strike position? Would you join them?

10. What are the benefits of being in a union?

11. What do you do if you see a Captain stealing alcohol from the galley?

12. What do you know about Islam?

13. You have a Saudi king in first class. He has his children standing besides him a will not let them strap in. What do you do?

14. During the taxi out, your captain stops the airplane, and gets out of his seat to pray, what do you do?


Korean - General Questions 

Background, professional career. You will likely be asked to talk about your career in brief (focus on airline career not full aviation career).

Any Far East experience

What are your weak/strong points


Marital status

If you are looking at other job opportunities

Why do you want to join Korean Air

When can you start

How many routes does KAL operate on [the aircraft you are flying on]?


Group Exercise

Here are some important things to remember during your Group Exercise.

  1. Use proper language
  2. Work cooperatively
  3. Don't dominate or be too passive
  4. Allow others to make their points
  5. Allow your colleges to talk
  6. Listen very carefully to all instructions
  7. Write down the instructions given to you. (They will read it out)
  8. Certain exercises are timed, so appoint a group timer if possible.


more tips here 



  • You are on a ship and it is sinking and you are 1000 miles away from land and there are 25 objects and you must pick only 15 that you will take. We decided to go for picking things that are life holding first stuff like water and food and shelter in case of the sun. Also patches for patching the life raft. We did not take the sickness pills but the pilot mentioned after that we might have because you will lose food and water by throwing up. Then we went on to things like flares and flash lights to try get some attention. Other things are bucket, knife, and cellphone.
  • Supposed to do a trip to the moon and you have to reach the mother ship at specific coordinates? But there is an accident and your spaceship crashes. Everything is completely destroyed except for 15 objects. You have a list of the 15 objects and 5 minutes to sort them from highest to lowest priority according to your criteria. Then you have 15 minutes to reach agreement among all and choose the same order. The objects you are given, oxygen, water, clothing, food, star map, compass, ~, box of matches, HF transmitter, flap (, 15 meters of fabric, thermal heating, etc.  ... Remember that you are in the moon, there is no oxygen, so boxes of matches not very useful. Neither is a compass.
  • Each of you has six cards with information about a character. This character has committed a crime. With all the information in the files, you must find the murderer, the murder weapon and motive. Take as much notes you can for this exercise!!
    At the end we gave the name of one of the suspect, the murder weapon was poison and the reason was jealousy and economic problems.
  • Each of you is given 20 cards facing down that you can only read for yourself and not to the other people. You are a general for a king in an alien world and the king wants you to raid this other land and bring back as much treasure as you can. The king wants to know how quickly (time) and how much (kg's) you can bring back. Basically a lot of math. You can read out the cards as well as wright on a board. We didn’t read them all out we omitted things that we didn’t think were important. Just reading everything out! Its then formulas of how far is the place figure that out and then how fast each of the boats (small and big) go.
  • What items would the group save from a burning house, and in what order?
  • They put us in a point in between the US and Europe and told us there was smoke in the back and gave us three options on where to land. The closest had the best weather but the runway was about 2000 feet to short. The next closest let us stop the aircraft with 10 feet to spare and the cloud coverage was 50 feet below MDA. The farthest away was good now but forecast freezing drizzle. We decided to go to the closest runway and evaluate the situation again as we got close knowing we would prefer to go to the next airport if the smoke goes away. Be sure to mention doing the smoke in the cabin checklist and isolating circuit breakers
  • You are the captain of an Airbus 380, 400 people, 20 minutes south of Greenland. Purser calls you to report a fire. 3 choices for diversion. A) At the south tip of Greenland but 1000 feet to short and will certainly go off (given performance data to calculate all of this. B) 35 minutes away and 10 feet longer than required but the weather is below minimums. C) 1:15 back into the headwinds, clear, and plenty long enough.
  • Crew of a flight Dubai - Los Angeles (DBX-LAX). When you're reaching the Canadian coast, you have a technical problem that makes that you have to decide to go to an alternative. The problem is not always the same, in our case there was an engine failure, but in the other group they were told they had a fire in one of the wineries and the smoke began to contaminate the cabin. Of the three alternatives offered, these are the conditions of each:  (1) The closest: there is a NOTAM that reports of volcanic ash in the area. (2)The nearest second: the weather is very bad, and we should throw fuel because it would land with too much weight and do not have enough landing distance available. (3)The third, more distant, is almost twice the distance of two others, but the weather is good The group must agree on which alternative to choose and the actions to take.
  • Crew of a flight Dubai - Sydney (DXB - SYD) You have cards labeled 1, 2, 3 and they tell you when to turn over each card. First card. Passenger notices "liquid coming from behind the wing" few minutes to discuss that. Second card... Purser bangs his/her head on a part of the cabin. Third... you notice the fuel going down (some people had smoke in cabin).
  • You and a small crew have been shipwrecked on a small island. You send out a mayday call and get ashore. You, your wife, an older man, and a girl are in your group. You have supplies, a survival pack, and a map of the island. There is an island offshore but there are shark infested waters between the two islands. What are you going to do? First Individual answers and the group answer. Issues that you should consider are first aid, shelter, food, water, signals, etc., etc.
  • "We each had some info on a sheet of paper; we couldn't show the sheet to each other we could only tell each other what the sheet said. We had to figure out which teacher taught in each classroom throughout the day" Feedback from  May, 2011
  • Figure out how to transport mining equipment from one place to another.
  • Everyone in the group gets 5-6 cards with a statement written on it. You cannot show the card to anyone, or exchange it, but you may read it aloud. The story is about the building of an obelisk, and you must find out how long it will take to be built. Once again 20 minutes. Some groups had to find out its dimensions, others its color and son on.
  • You are tasked to select the qualities that make an effective pilot. There are 14 qualities listed on the card. You first work on your own, and then you are given time (18 minutes?) to arrive at a group answer. There are no correct answers; the important thing is the process at arriving at the group answer.
  • The general manager has to be replaced at short notice. Your group has to decide upon the replacement within 20 min. The replacement must not be a successful business person, and does not need to be alive. Some other groups had to decide which one of their group the company should hire.
  • The chairman of EK needs to be replaced. You (individually) have 5 minutes to come up with a replacement. You then have to give a 3 minute talk to the other group members about your selection. Then the group decides who had the best selection.



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Technical Questions 

Technical questions are tailored to your background, so be prepared to answer questions that a typical Airbus, Boeing, Hercules, Dash 8 pilot would be familiar with.


1. What do you know about the Emirates fleet?

2. What do you know about the RR Trent engine?

3. How does an INS work?

4. How does an Omega work?

5. How do winglets work?

6. What are the advantages of the 747-400?

7. What type of engine is on the (your aircraft)? What is its RPM. What is the prop RPM?

8. Explain Dutch roll.

9. How does an iso-contour radar work?

10. On the Hercules, if you were to have and engine failure between V1 and VR and you had a max-cross wind, which engine would be the best to lose (i.e. the upwind engine or the downwind one)?

11. Is there a critical engine on a propeller aircraft / jet aircraft?

12. What is the difference between MRC (max range cruise) and LRC (long range cruise)?

13. Define endurance/range on the drag curve.

14. How do flaps affect the take-off ground run?

15. What is a microburst? What do you do about it?

16. What is the biggest hazard in heavy rain on final approach?

17. What is VMCA on the (your present aircraft)?

18. What is the relationship between VMCG and V1?

19. What is the difference between the 747 classic and the 400?

20. What is the difference between the (your present aircraft) wing and the 747 wing?

21. What are Krueger flaps?

22. When do you turn on engine anti-ice?

23. What is Direct Lift Control?

24. What are the advantages of a fan engine?

25. Give six reasons for spoilers.

26. What are active controls?

27. What is the purpose of a Mach trimmer?

28. Why are bleed valves fitted to jet engines?

29. Define the two major types of drag.

30. What are the forces acting upon an aircraft in flight?

31. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the INS system?

32. What are the purposes of roll and yaw dampers?

33. What is a super-stall?

34. What are the four reasons for a variable incidence tailplane?

35. What are the three types of hydroplaning?

36. What is the relationship of V1, VR, and V2?

37. What is ISA (ICAO standard atmosphere)?

38. What is EPR (engine pressure ratio)?

39. What are the various ICAO approach limits? (Cat I, Cat II, Cat IIIA...)?

40. What is CAT (clear air turbulence)?

41. What is windshear/micro burst?

42. How does an INS find True North?

43. What is the transport wander of an uncorrected gyro?

44. What is the rejected takeoff drill?

45. How is range increased when flying into a headwind?

46. Tire temperatures prior to takeoff depend upon?

47. What is (are) the purposes of vortex generators?

48. How does stall speed vary with C of G?

49. How does VMCA vary with C of G?

50. What changes the AOA at the stall?

51. What are the inputs to GPWS?

52. Explain the Hercules/P-3/Electra (temperature datum) TD system.

53. Why are (your airplane) takeoff limits (normally 200 & 1/2) different from (another one of your companies aircraft (100 & 1/4)?

54. Initially, on a wet runway, what is the most effective means of braking?

55. Landing on a tandem bogie, which brake gets the hottest?

56. What are the purpose of engine relight boundaries?

57. How does temperature affect the speed of sound?

58. What are the wind/gust correction factors for VREF speed?

59. What are high-lift devices?

60. What are high-drag devices?

61. Why is EPR set by 60/80 kts?

62. What happens to EPR on the takeoff roll?

63. What are the effects of compressibility?

64. What is Mach tuck?

65. What happens to stall speed at very high altitudes?

66. What do CSDs (constant speed drives) do?

67. What is a mass balance for?

68. Where does a swept wing stall first?

69. How do you do fuel planning on your aircraft type?

70. How did you prepare technically for the interview?

71. Who was your first instructor?

72. Why is #1 engine the critical engine on a multi-engine prop airplane?

73. What advantages does a jet gain from a swept wing?

74. Why do you do de-rated thrust takeoffs in a jet aircraft?

75. How do prevent span-wise flow on a wing?

76. What are the advantages of MLS or GPS?

77. How many feet in a millibar?

78. What happens to your Mach number if you climb at a constant EAS?

79. What do you know about Cat lII approaches?

80. What is the recovery technique from Dutch roll?

81. What are the advantages of MLS? of GPS?

82. What is higher, VMCG or VMCA on a 747-400? Why?

83. How would you teach a student about VMCA?

84. Why do you teach VMCA in the airplane vice the simulator?

85. The RAAF crashed a B707 during training. What would you do differently?

86. What does cost index mean in your aircraft? What things are considered by the FMS system when setting cruise speed in ECON mode?

87. How much fuel is used in the (your a/c)? How is it distributed?

88. Your F/C is flying a non-precision approach and has rain on his windscreen. What should you be cautious of? What things would you look for if windshear was expected? What is your recovery technique? What selection will give you TOGA when you hit the go-levers?

89. Tell me about ETOPS. What is an adequate/suitable aerodrome? What things are considered for an airline to be certified for 180 minutes ETOPS?

90. What is your aircraft VMQ/MMQ? Why?

91. Describe how you would design a high speed aircraft wing?

92. Describe a fan engine.

93. How do spoilers/ailerons work?

94. You are in a four engine aircraft departing Honolulu for Vancouver. You lose an engine after take-off. Would you return to a IFR minimum approach in Honolulu or would you continue to Vancouver, where it is CAVOK?

95. Tell me about GPS.

96. What features make the B777 unique from other aircraft?

97. What are the advantages of a wide-chord fan engine?

98. Why are the prop tips square on a CC-130 (Hercules) vice the rounded tips on the CP-140 (Aurora/P-3)?

99. Outline take-off performance planning on your aircraft.

100. Explain your aircraft’s anti/de-ice systems.

101. How does a contaminated runway (ice, rain) or a tailwind affect V1 (distance or speed)?

102. How do you maintain obstacle clearance for your aircraft, what is the profile you fly?

103. What do you think about the P-3 crash in the Cocos Islands? What would you do differently?

104. What are the limitations of spoilers? How do you correct spoiler blowback?

105. What are differential/non-differential spoilers?

106. What are the inputs to ‘Q’ feel?

107. Why do engines have auto-ignition? How does it work?

108. What is windshear? How is it detected? Where do you find windshear? Where do you find micro bursts?

109. What is a Mach trimmer? What is it used for?

110. What is an “assumed temperature”?

111. What is the combustion cycle of a jet engine?

112. What causes a jet-upset? How do you correct it?

113. What is a service ceiling? An absolute ceiling?

114. What is MCRIT?

115. What are the basic parameters of an aircraft electrical system?

116. What is a safety cell battery?

117. Describe the construction of an aircraft generator?

118. What are your actions for a pitot/static blockage? An artificial horizon failure?

119. During what phase of flight is lift the greatest?

120. Outline the change in the Centre of Pressure as an aircraft increases speed past MCRIT.

121. If you were loading an airplane to obtain max range, would you load it with a forward or aft C of G?

122. If you were flying 076° heading to track 088°, what is the heading required to maintain the reciprocal track?

123. If you are at 33,000 feet, OAT is -45°, what is ΔT (deviation from ISA)?

124. Tell me about IRS. How is it better than GPS, over and above navigation info? What else does IRS do?

125. Why did the Nimrod crash in Toronto?

126. How does Differential GPS work?

127. What are the various ETOPS categories?

128. What is the difference between a dry V1 and wet V1? What does it change with respect to the screen height?

129. How does cross-wind affect the critical engine?

130. If you fly in a region of volcanic dust discuss the procedures you would adopt, what are the hazards?

131. If TOW is limited by an obstacle in the 2nd segment, what does that mean?


What colour are taxi way markings.

Describe GO around procedure.

Rejected T/O.

Have you ever met any communication problems flying with an Asian Captain (from a pilot who was flying in Asia already)? If yes, what was your reaction? How did you manage?

Cold weather operation.

Crosswind landing technique.

What does RVSM mean and why do we have it?

You’re flying into an RVSM area following a preceding traffic which is flying 1000 feet above your present level a couple of miles ahead, you’re flying into its wake turbulence, what would you do to avoid the wake turbulence?

Explain windshear – how to recognise and deal with windshear during different phases of flight (e.g.: during T/O roll, what would you do if you encounter windshear while taking off, at V1, but you cannot reach Vr?

Explain the 3 parameters and the exact condition you will see before entering in windshear (GPWS does not work).

RNP what it means, what are the limits and why does it exist? What is the RNP standard for a GPS approach?

How do you know the end of the runway is arriving (i.e.: runway lighting/markings).

Runway & Taxiway markings/lighting (how do you know you are on a taxiway and not a runway; how would you know you are clear of the runway after landing CAT III and/or reduced visibility?)

How do you know that you are on the correct runway for takeoff if you cannot see outside the cockpit?

What do you do when the Capt is unstable below 500ft?

What do you do when you bounce a landing?

When do you transition from the flight directors to the runway?

Cat I, II, III minimums in RVR metres.

What are the CATIIIA limitations?

What is the stabilized approach criteria?

What do you do if you get an RA saying descend and ATC telling you to climb?

Describe an engine failure on take off without a standard engine out procedure.

Describe crosswind landing technique.

Describe what to do if, after such landing, due to slippery rwy a/c starts skidding.

Describe RNP operations.

Difference between QFE, QNH, QNE (e.g.: many airports in Asia only provide QFE, how do you obtain QNH; what would error be if you were flying into QFE airport, with QNH set).

Explain RVSM (use; altimeter checks prior to departure & during flight in RVSM airspace.)

Windshear procedures.

If on approach on a clear CAVOK day and a predictive wind shear warning occurs, what would you do?

The wind in final app changes from 10kts headwind, to 10kts tailwind, what does it mean, what happens, and what do you do?

Stable approach concepts. What do you do if your Captain/FO deviates from the approach under 500ft?


Windshear questions, specifically encounters on takeoff roll.

Windshear precautions for takeoff (max thrust, increased rotation)

Atlantic MNPSA definition and meaning

On an ILS approach and below 500 ft a GPWS warning occurred and you notice you are only slightly below the GP, what would you do?

How can you manage a 3 degree glide path

Describe AH (alert height).

Difference between fail operational and fail passive.

How do you anticipate dealing with the increased work density on the KAL roster?

Anti-Ice/de-ice, how long and after when do you start counting time for the protection for fluids type 1-2?

Contaminated runway ops

NPA in cold weather, i.e. temp corrections

NDB approach and more than 5 degrees off over the beacon, i.e. go around

Describe TEM (threat error management) – how do you manage it?

Describe PRM approaches and brake out procedures.

Describe the various GPWS modes.

What is your airlines policy on the use of reverse thrust upon landing, when do you cancel it?

What flap setting is standard for landing in your airline, and what is the main difference between flap 25 and flap 30 landings?

Runway & Taxiway lighting/markings. Are you very familiar with the use of the FMC? Explain the FMC annunciations during takeoff.

Cabin pressurization control

Procedures for door upper deck flight lock

Describe the engine out procedures of your airline if there isn’t a published one in the FOM

What corrections do you do when in very cold weather (i.e. altitude corrections)?

Can LNAV be used with QFE?

Problems associated with the use of QFE

How would you operate the aircraft in turbulence?

How would you get on with an ex military Korean FO?

What is the difference between THR and THR/REF, as displayed on the FMA?

Imagine that you have a fire in the aft cargo department; can you tell us your steps.

Explain the circle to land procedure, what are the differences with a visual approach in circuit? (from downwind).

Describe the go around procedure.

VDP Definition, Computation with DME and Time. How do you compute your own VDP?

You are behind a 747. What type of wind would you prefer?

B747 touches down at 1200ft in the TDZ where do you want to touch down?

Descent planning and computation of Ground Speed. (Look for STARS, SIDS @ IAH).

Approach plates questions, especially on non precision.

Accelerate stop distance

Adequate visual reference


Transition Altitude and Level

Area Navigation


Feeder route

Feeder Fix





 Minimum IFR altitudes








 Route MORA



Definition of : Ground, Prevailing, RVV, RVR


Holding Altitudes and Speed & Time requirements

Terrain warning procedure

TCAS avoidance procedure

Autopilot Failure (fail passive & fail operational)

Procedure used to correctly identify the takeoff runway and localizer capture.

What is LDA approach

What considerations should you be aware of when landing on contaminated runways?

Would you land on a runway with a Poor braking report?

What technique would you use for landing in a heavy crosswind?

What do you do if an Airbus over speeds

You are on approach on the ILS at 1500’ and showing Land 3, when atc wants you to sidestep runways. How would you get the aircraft transitioned to the other runway… how would you get out of land 3 without turning off the autopilot?

Use of checklists. Why use them?

Crew change. What do you discuss?

Approaching 1000 feet on landing, one engine idle the other with thrust. What do you do?

Study definitions of CRM,TEM and panops/terps differences

EEC mode

PWS system

What is the difference between a localizer Approach and an LDA in regards to LNAV and VNAV?

If you had animals on board as cargo on the main deck and you had a fire warning that you suspected was caused from the methane gas put out by the animals, what would you do?

Bounced Landing Procedure

Explain PRM approach

Explain LOC offset approach

Before you arm the approach, what you need to check

Volcanic Ash - procedures

ILS interception max angle, ADS, CPDLC, max rate of descent.

Explain ACARS, ADS-B and CPDLC

Recommended manufacturer AFDS mode for severe turbulence during the climb phase

Polar Operations

Cat III approaches, what is the alert height

RWY lights (low visibility)


Differences in RWY marking FAA & ICAO

circling approaches

handling of turbulence and over-speed in cruise



Selected vs. Managed approach

Cold WX corrections



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Useful links and bibliography



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