Aviation Topics - Questions
It's what you feel in here
Think of what your answer would be to these questions.
Typical "Aviation Topics" questions
Are stick-and-rudder skills significant for automated aircraft?
Do you prefer to fly during the day or during the night? Why?
Do you think air companies help their pilots to increase their English proficiency?
Do you think all ATC-pilot communication in Brazil should be in English?
Do you think aviation is safe?
Do you think the yearly health check is important and sufficient?
Explain runway excursion.
Explain runway incursion.
Have you ever had any abnormal situation during your flight?
How can a pilot avoid bad weather?
How can a pilot get prepared to start a missed approach?
How can airlines improve passengers’ security in case of emergency?
How can English skills improve pilot’s performance during his or her career?
How can you improve your skills as a pilot?
How can you keep your flight skills up to date?
How do pilots need to prepare themselves before a flight?
How do you handle stress in your profession?
How do you think you would react if an emergency situation happened to you during the cruise phase of a flight?
How does a pilot know the Vlof speed?
How does aviation contribute to an increase in environmental pollution?
How does communication affect aviation?
How does the ICAO level 4 help a pilot in his or her career?
How is the air traffic control at a very busy airport?
How often and why do pilots need to take medical exams?
How often do you use English during your flights?
How was your training for emergency situations?
How would you behave if you had emergency situations?
In your opinion, during an emergency situation, will all pilots behave the same way as they had the same kind of training?
In your opinion, should airlines always be held responsible in case of injury to passenger on board?
In your opinion, what is a good briefing? And a bad briefing? What can a bad briefing cause?
In your opinion, what will communications between pilots and air traffic controllers be like 10 years from now?
In your opinion, which phase of the flight is more dangerous: landing or takeoff?
Should a college degree become a requirement to get a job as pilot? Why or why not?
Talk about pilots' duties and responsibilities.
Tell me about the Brazilian aviation industry nowadays.
Tell us about the airport you fly the most to.
The most critical phase of the flight.
What are the biggest challenges facing the aviation industry at the moment?
What are the possible threats during landing?
What are the possible threats in landing procedures?
What are the strengths of a good pilot?
What are the threats of miscommunications on safety?
What are V1 and V2? Have you ever aborted takeoff?
What behavior should a pilot have when the other pilot is incapacitated?
What can happen to the flight if a captain doesn’t follow the CRM?
What can heavy rain cause to the flight?
What difficulties may you face when flying abroad?
What do pilots normally do while passengers are boarding the aircraft?
What do you do in aviation nowadays?
What do you like most about being a pilot?
What do you think about the runway surfaces?
What does a pilot need to do in order to improve his or her English skills?
What does a pilot need to do in order to improve his or her flight skills?
What does the captain expect from the first officer during a flight?
What emergency situations can a pilot face during flight?
What happens in case one of the flight crew doesn’t follow CRM?
What is a flap asymmetry?
What is a runway excursion?
What is a TCAS resolution?
What is a windshear and how dangerous is it?
What is the best airport you’ve flown to as a pilot?
What is the difference in responsibility between the captain and the first officer?
What is the importance of air transportation?
What is the importance of checking the weather before a flight?
What is the importance of English for aviation?
What is the most difficult part of a pilot’s career?
What is your favorite aircraft? Why?
What is your major concern when you are planning a flight?
What is your opinion about Brazilian flight schools?
What tasks does a pilot need to perform as soon as they finish a flight?
What tips would you give to someone who is about to do their first check?
What training needs do today’s aviation professionals have?
What would you tell a student pilot who wants to work at an airline company and fly big aircraft?
When can a pilot refuse an ATC instruction?
When do pilots need to perform an emergency landing?
When will your next flight be?
Which one is more critical: landing or takeoff?
Why can miscommunication cause threats to the safety of the flight?
Why do flight attendants need to know English?
Why do jet airplanes require two pilots on the flight deck?
Why does a pilot need to maintain situational awareness high at all times?
Why is briefing important before flight?
Why is English important for pilots?
Why is it important for pilots to train constantly ?
Why is it important to check the weather before a flight? Give examples of bad weather.
Why is it important to report to the ATC when a pilot loses the navigation system?
Why is it important to study meteorology?
Why is it important to train emergency situations frequently?
Why is situational awareness important for a pilot?
Why should the briefing be kind?
Describe what happened during your last training in a simulator.
Do you remember the first airplane you flew?
Do you remember your first check ride?
Do you remember your first instructor’s recommendations?
How did you feel during your first check ride?
How did you feel on your first solo flight?
How enjoyable was your training to become a pilot?
How has the Brazilian aviation industry changed over the last 10 years?
How has the job of a pilot changed over the last 20 years?
How was your CRM training?
How was your experience of training to become a pilot?
How was your first flight as a pilot?
How was your first job as a pilot?
How was your pilot training?
How was your training for pilot incapacitation?
How was your training in relation to emergency situations?
Talk about the different types of aircraft you have flown.
Talk about the most beautiful airport you have ever landed at.
Talk about your background experience in aviation.
Talk about your first experience using phraseology in English.
Tell me about he best instructor you’ve ever had.
Tell us about the most difficult situation you have faced.
What aircraft have you especially enjoyed piloting? Why?
What changes have you experienced since you started flying?
What difficulties did you have to become a pilot?
What recommendations did your instructor give you before your check ride?
What was the most difficult phase of your career?
What was your biggest worry about taking flying lessons?
What were the good aspects of your training to become a pilot?
When was your first experience using aviation English?
Which technological developments have had the biggest impact on the aviation industry in the last 10 years?
Who was the best flight instructor you’ve had?
Why and how did you make aviation your career?
Why did you decide to become a pilot?
Do you agree with the technologies that will replace pilots in the future? Why? Why not?
Do you believe 4-engine airplanes will still be flying in the future?
Do you believe pilots will be replaced by computers in the future?
Do you think there will be two pilots in the cockpit in the near future? Why (not)?
How do you see the displays in the cockpit in the next 10 years?
How do you think airspace will be managed in 20 years?
How do you think cockpits will change in the next 20 years?
How do you think the aviation community will deal with increasing concerns about the environment?
How will a pilot’s job change in the future?
How will air traffic control change over the next years?
How will future aircraft be?
How will future cockpits be?
In terms of technology, do you think there will be any improvement in communications?
In your opinion, how will airspace be in the next 20 years?
What are the biggest challenges the aviation industry will have to face from now on?
What are the Brazilian aviation industry perspectives?
What are your goals in aviation for the future?
What are your plans in aviation for the next 10 years?
What changes do you think aircraft will undergo in the future?
What do you think about phraseology and communication in the next 10 years?
What do you think about the aviation industry developments for the next 10 years?
What do you think about the job opportunities for pilots in the future?
What do you think will happen in relation to job opportunities for pilots?
What should companies do to improve their pilots’ training?
What technological changes do you think the aviation industry will see in the next ten years?
What will aviation be like in 10 years, in your opinion?
When will be your next flight?
When will we fly electrical airplanes?
Will manufacturers keep producing narrow body airplanes?
Will the computers help or not in the next 5 to 10 years in the cockpit?
A) How was your training in relation to emergency situations?
A) Talk about pilots’ duties and responsibilities.
A) Talk about the aircraft you’ve flown?
A) Talk about the different types of aircraft you have flown.
A) Talk about your aviation background.
A) Talk about your background experience in aviation.
A) What do you do in aviation nowadays?
A) What do you do nowadays?
A) What is the most difficult phase of a pilot’s career?
A) Why is briefing important before flight?
B) How was your pilot training?
B) Talk about your first experience using phraseology in English.
B) Talk about your first solo flight.
B) What are the strengths of a good pilot ?
B) What are your goals in aviation for the future?
B) What emergency situations can a pilot face during flight?
B) What is your favorite aircraft? Why?
B) What kind of job are you looking for?
B) Why did you decide to become a pilot?
B) Why did you decide to become a pilot?
C) Do you prefer to fly during the day or during the night? Why?
C) How often do you use English during your flights?
C) What can happen to the flight if a captain doesn’t follow the CRM?
C) What changes do you think aircraft will have in the future?
C) What difficulties did you have to become a pilot?
C) What do pilots normally do while the passengers are boarding the aircraft?
C) What do you like most about being a pilot?
C) When will your next flight be?
C) Why is important to check the weather before a flight? Give examples of bad weather.
D) How can you improve your skills as a pilot?
D) How do you think cockpits will change in the next 20 years?
D) How enjoyable was your training to become a pilot?
D) How was your pilot training?
D) What are the qualities of good pilot?
D) What can heavy rain cause to the flight?
D) What do you think about the job opportunities for pilots in the future?
D) Why is English important for pilots?
D) Why is it important to study meteorology?
D) Why is situational awareness important for a pilot?
E) Do you think air companies help their pilots to increase their English proficiency?
E) How can you keep your flight skills up to date?
E) How was your first solo flight?
E) How would you behave if you had emergency situations?
E) In your opinion, which phase of the flight is more dangerous: landing or takeoff?
E) What are your plans in aviation for the next 10 years?
E) What is the importance of air transportation?
E) What would you tell a student pilot who wants to work at an airline company and fly big aircraft?
E) Why is it import to train emergency situations frequently?
E) Why is it important to report to the ATC when a pilot loses the navigation system?
F) How is the air traffic control at a very busy airport?
F) How will aircraft be in the future?
F) In your opinion, how will airspace be in the next 20 years?
F) Talk about the last aircraft you have flown?
F) Tell me a little bit about your favorite aircraft?
F) What are the positive aspects of your training to become a pilot? ?
F) What are the threats of miscommunications on safety?
F) What is the importance of English for aviation?
F) What would you tell the air traffic controller if you had a depressurization?
F) Why did you decide to become a pilot?
G) Do you agree with the technologies that will replace pilots in the future? Why? Why not?
G) How was your first solo flight?
G) In your opinion, how will airspace be in the next 20 years?
G) Talk about the advantages of your training to become a pilot?
G) Talk about the most beautiful airport you have ever landed at.
G) What are the possible threats during landing?
G) What behavior should a pilot have when the other pilot is incapacitated?
G) What do you do in aviation nowadays?
G) When can a pilot refuse an ATC instruction?
G) Why is it important for pilots to train constantly ?
Career – Becoming and Being a pilot
What changes have you experienced since you started working at your company?
What would you do if your company closed due to bankruptcy?
Why does flying satisfy you?
What was your biggest worry about taking flying lessons?
What has been the biggest surprise you have experienced since you started working as an airline pilot?
What motivated you to pursue a flying career?
Would you be willing to reduce your salary in order to save the company from bankruptcy? Why or why not?
How did you finance your flight training?
When considering a job, what is more important to you: the amount of money or the job responsibilities?
Do you still intend to fly airplanes even after retirement? Why or why not?
If given the chance, would you like to try flying a fighter jet? Why or why not?
What do you think a world without aircraft would be like?
As an airline pilot, do you still find pleasure in flying small airplanes like the Cessna 150? Why or why not?
How does it feel to be in charge of a million dollar airplane with hundreds of passengers flying at 39,000 feet?
How did you prepare for your interview for an airline pilot position?
What makes you different from your colleagues?
How did you become an airline pilot?
Are you willing to be trained to become a member of the flight crew of a Space Shuttle? Why or why not?
Competition for a job as an airline pilot is fierce. How did you feel when you learned that you were one of the successful applicants?
What do you think when you hear about an accident involving a passenger airplane?
What motivates you to do your job as best as you can?
As a pilot, what are your weak points, if any?
What are your expectations now in your career?
Please tell me, why did you become a pilot?
How was the interview for your present job conducted?
What do you like about your present job?
How did you feel when you earned your commercial pilot license?
How did your family react when you informed them that you wanted to be a pilot?
Do you feel proud about your job? Why?
Before becoming an airline pilot, what type of aircraft did you want to fly and why did you want to fly that type of aircraft?
Do you consider your job important? Why?
What is so special about being a pilot?
How did you become interested in becoming a pilot?
As a pilot, what are the things that you still need to learn and why do you need to learn them?
When you were a student pilot, what was the most difficult subject for you? Why?
As an airline pilot, do you still enjoy flying small, two-seat conventional aircraft? Why or why not?
When you were a student pilot, how did your first-ever solo flight turn out?
Now that you are a commercial pilot, what else do you need to get or learn in order to further your career?
Who was the most supportive of your decision to become a pilot and how did he or she express his or her support?
What was the most difficult part of becoming a pilot?
What were your expectations when you first started working as a pilot?
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Professional experience
What was your impression when you first flew an aircraft?
How did you feel the first time you flew as a pilot of a passenger airplane?
What airline do you work for? What is your position?
Of all the cities you have visited as a pilot, which is your favorite?
As a pilot, what situation you encountered has scared you the most? Briefly describe what happened.
What is the difference between actual flight training and simulator training?
As a pilot, what was the most difficult decision you have made so far?
What is the most unforgettable thing that has happened to you as a pilot?
What have you learned in actual flight training that you did not learn or experience during flight simulator training? Why?
What challenges have you confronted as a pilot?
What is the biggest fear you have when flying?
What was the most exciting moment as a pilot?
Which route would you prefer to fly, domestic or international? Why?
Describe your most memorable flight.
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Pilot's life
How is bi-annual medical exam for pilots conducted?
Describe what happened during your last training in a simulator.
What are your privileges and responsibilities as an airline pilot?
Pilots need to have a clean bill of health to maintain their license. How do you keep yourself healthy?
As a pilot, what’s the most difficult part of your job?
Aviation technology is changing at a fast rate, how do you keep yourself updated?
What do you do to improve your flying skills?
As a pilot, what’s the most difficult part of your job?
How do you develop a sound working relationship with your captain/co-pilot?
Describe your ordinary working day as a pilot.
As a pilot who is always away from your family, do you think it is necessary for you to make up for important family occasions that you failed to attend? Why or why not?
If you were given the freedom to make your own work schedule, what would that schedule be like?
How does maneuvering an aircraft on the ground differ from driving an automobile?
Describe your lifestyle as a pilot.
How do you balance your time between your family and your job?
How do you feel after safely completing a flight?
How do you keep yourself fit to fly?
What is the most interesting part of your job?
Which is harder, flying or navigating? Explain your answer.
Which is more enjoyable to you, daytime flying or night-time flying? Why?
Do you believe that constant training can really make you a better pilot? Why or why not?
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Questions about habitual activities
Aircraft delays are unavoidable occurrences in fight operations. What do you usually do when your flight is delayed?
Aircraft delays are unavoidable occurrences in flight operations. What usually causes these delays?
Are pilots obliged to follow the air traffic controller’s instruction all the time? Why?
Before takeoff, what do you usually do to check if you are on the correct runway?
Describe your typical working day as a pilot.
How are your eating habits affected by traveling as a pilot?
How do you choose a flight route?
How do you conduct preflight inspections?
How do you hand over the control to other pilot while in flight?
How do you handle disorientation during a flight?
How do you perform the preflight inspection?
How do you prepare your aircraft to taxi to the terminal?
How do you usually deal with flight delays which cannot be avoided?
How does it feel to be responsible for the lives of hundreds of passengers aboard a million dollar airplane?
How important is teamwork in the cockpit?
In what situations do you engage the autopilot and in what situation do you take direct control of the airplane?
Many pilots find long haul flights boring. How do you cope with boredom on long flights?
Most radio communications are between pilots and Air Traffic Controllers. When does a pilot of one aircraft need to communicate directly to a pilot of another aircraft over the radio?
Some delays are avoidable. What do you usually do to avoid flight delays?
Some passengers feel apprehensive at riding an airplane, especially the first-timers. As a cockpit crew, what do you usually do to remove their fear or uneasiness?
Tell me about an activity that you always do before flying.
What activities are part of the regular line orientation flight training?
What airport is your favorite destination? Why?
What do you do to stay awake during a long haul flight?
What do you say to alleviate the frustration felt by passengers during a flight delay?
What do you usually discuss with the flight dispatcher before a flight?
What do you usually discuss with your flight and cabin crew in the preflight briefing?
What do you usually do during a brief stopover at an airport?
What do you usually do once the autopilot is engaged during a flight?
What do you usually say to your passengers when you are ready to depart but are delayed for some reason?
What do you usually talk about in the cockpit during long flights?
What does the first officer usually do?
What is your typical routine at work?
What sports do you and your co-workers like to do together? Why?
What steps do you take to follow the noise abatement regulation during takeoff?
When taking off over a populated area, what do you do to minimize the noise made by your aircraft?
When you land at a foreign airport, what do you usually do before the next flight?
When you’re off-duty, how do you spend your time?
Which phase or portion of the flight do you enjoy most and what do you usually do during these occasions?
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Daily activities
How is bi-annual medical exam for pilots conducted?
Describe what happened during your last training in a simulator.
What are your privileges and responsibilities as an airline pilot?
Pilots need to have a clean bill of health to maintain their license. How do you keep yourself healthy?
As a pilot, what’s the most difficult part of your job?
Aviation technology is changing at a fast rate, how do you keep yourself updated?
What do you do to improve your flying skills?
As a pilot, what’s the most difficult part of your job?
How do you develop a sound working relationship with your captain/co-pilot?
Describe your ordinary working day as a pilot.
As a pilot who is always away from your family, do you think it is necessary for you to make up for important family occasions that you failed to attend? Why or why not?
If you were given the freedom to make your own work schedule, what would that schedule be like?
How does maneuvering an aircraft on the ground differ from driving an automobile?
Describe your lifestyle as a pilot.
How do you balance your time between your family and your job?
How do you feel after safely completing a flight?
How do you keep yourself fit to fly?
What is the most interesting part of your job?
Which is harder, flying or navigating? Explain your answer.
Which is more enjoyable to you, daytime flying or night-time flying? Why?
Do you believe that constant training can really make you a better pilot? Why or why not?
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Sharing an Opinion
According to investigators, some aircraft accidents and incidents were caused by pilot error due to stress. These findings are opposed by some groups who believe that pilot stress is either a myth or would not have a significant effect on pilot’s performance. In your opinion is there such a thing as pilot stress?
Airline passengers are always asking whether a particular airline is safe or not. Are some airlines safer than others?
Do you think a female pilot can perform as well as a male pilot? Why or why not?
Do you think it is advisable for pilots to read reports about aircraft accidents? Why or why not?
Do you think it would be better for the passengers aboard an airplane if flight attendants possessed medical or nursing degrees? Why or why not?
Do you think it would be fair for airlines to implement a policy to hire only pilots who are non-smokers? Why or why not?
Experts say that old airplanes are as safe as new ones. If this is the case, why do you think airline companies like to replace old airplanes with new models?
Good health is required for a pilot to maintain his/her license. What do you do to keep stay healthy?
How important is teamwork between flight crews?
I have a friend who wants to take up a career in flying. He is 40 years old. Do you think he can still be an airline pilot? Why or why not?
In your opinion, what is the most important qualification that a pilot must possess?
Is it proper to inform the passengers about problems that the airplane encounters during the flight? Why or why not?
It’s the policy of some airlines to prohibit the members of a flight crew from eating the same food. What do you think is the reason for this policy?
Many people believe that modern equipment aboard airplanes perform many of the duties of a pilot. Some even say that the equipment makes a pilot redundant and unnecessary. What do you think?
Many people think pilot is dangerous job. What do you think?
Most people in the aviation industry believe that flying is the safest means of travel. Do you share the same belief? Why?
Regulations and company policy require pilots to make a 360 degree inspection around the aircraft. Do you think it would be better if mechanics make this walk-around inspection?
Some airline companies prohibit their employees from establishing romantic relationships with their co-workers. Do you think this policy is reasonable? Why or why not?
Some airlines allow their senior pilots to remain in service until they reach their 70th birthday. Other airlines enforce compulsory retirement when their pilots turn 56 years of age. At what age do you think pilots should retire? Why?
Some airlines totally prohibit their pilots from reading books or magazines while in flight, even on long haul flights. When the autopilot is engaged, what do you think is the best way for pilots to cope with boredom?
Some aspiring pilots are said to have a slim chance of landing a job at some airlines because of their nationality. Do you think a pilot’s suitability can be determined by his nationality?
Some companies have a policy prohibiting pilots from drinking alcoholic beverages 12 hours before a flight. Do you think 12 hours will give pilots enough time to recover?
Some experts believe that twin engine airplanes are safer than four-engine airplanes. Which of the two do you think is safer?
Some passengers believe that some seat locations in the airplane are safer than other locations. As a pilot, do you think there is such a safe seat location?
Some pilots are expected by the company to do non-flying duties such as supervising refueling, keeping records, scheduling flights and other non-flying duties. Do you think it is appropriate to assign such duties to the pilot?
Some say that choosing a career in aviation is a big gamble because the airline industry is one of the most unstable businesses. Do you think this is a fair assessment?
Some states and airlines are strictly enforcing the “closed cockpit door” policy to counter unlawful interference. This means that whatever happens in the passenger cabin the flight crew should never open the cockpit door. Do you think this is an effective control suppression to hijacking? Why?
The airplane has evolved into a comfortable, reliable and dependable means of travel. Some people, however, are still uncomfortable about riding in it and try to avoid doing so. Do you think their fear is unreasonable? Why?
There are many requirements in order to be a pilot. Which requirement do you think is the most important?
What aircraft system do you think is the most vulnerable? Why?
What can be done to avoid miscommunication between air traffic controllers and pilots?
What should be the primary purpose of accident investigation? Why?
When flying, some passengers prefer one make or type of aircraft over others. Do you think some aircraft are safer or better than others? Why or why not?
Why do you think many people regard flying as dangerous?
Why is it important for pilots to have very good English skills?
Would it be safer if passengers were provided with parachutes?
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Are stick-and-rudder skills significant for automated aircraft?
Do you prefer to fly during the day or during the night? Why?
Do you think air companies help their pilots to increase their English proficiency?
Do you think all ATC-pilot communication in Brazil should be in English?
Do you think aviation is safe?
Do you think the yearly health check is important and sufficient?
Explain runway excursion.
Explain runway incursion.
Have you ever had any abnormal situation during your flight?
How can a pilot avoid bad weather?
How can a pilot get prepared to start a missed approach?
How can airlines improve passengers’ security in case of emergency?
How can English skills improve pilot’s performance during his or her career?
How can you improve your skills as a pilot?
How can you keep your flight skills up to date?
How do pilots need to prepare themselves before a flight?
How do you handle stress in your profession?
How do you think you would react if an emergency situation happened to you during the cruise phase of a flight?
How does a pilot know the Vlof speed?
How does aviation contribute to an increase in environmental pollution?
How does communication affect aviation?
How does the ICAO level 4 help a pilot in his or her career?
How is the air traffic control at a very busy airport?
How often and why do pilots need to take medical exams?
How often do you use English during your flights?
How was your training for emergency situations?
How would you behave if you had emergency situations?
In your opinion, during an emergency situation, will all pilots behave the same way as they had the same kind of training?
In your opinion, should airlines always be held responsible in case of injury to passenger on board?
In your opinion, what is a good briefing? And a bad briefing? What can a bad briefing cause?
In your opinion, what will communications between pilots and air traffic controllers be like 10 years from now?
In your opinion, which phase of the flight is more dangerous: landing or takeoff?
Should a college degree become a requirement to get a job as pilot? Why or why not?
Talk about pilots’ duties and responsibilities.
Tell me about the Brazilian aviation industry nowadays.
Tell us about the airport you fly the most to.
The most critical phase of the flight
What are the biggest challenges facing the aviation industry at the moment?
What are the possible threats during landing?
What are the possible threats in landing procedures?
What are the strengths of a good pilot?
What are the threats of miscommunications on safety?
What are V1 and V2? Have you ever aborted takeoff?
What behavior should a pilot have when the other pilot is incapacitated?
What can happen to the flight if a captain doesn’t follow the CRM?
What can heavy rain cause to the flight?
What difficulties may you face when flying abroad?
What do pilots normally do while passengers are boarding the aircraft?
What do you do in aviation nowadays?
What do you like most about being a pilot?
What do you think about the runway surfaces?
What does a pilot need to do in order to improve his or her English skills?
What does a pilot need to do in order to improve his or her flight skills?
What does the captain expect from the first officer during a flight?
What emergency situations can a pilot face during flight?
What happens in case one of the flight crew doesn’t follow CRM?
What is a flap asymmetry?
What is a runway excursion?
What is a TCAS resolution?
What is a windshear and how dangerous is it?
What is the best airport you’ve flown to as a pilot?
What is the difference in responsibility between the captain and the first officer?
What is the importance of air transportation?
What is the importance of checking the weather before a flight?
What is the importance of English for aviation?
What is the most difficult part of a pilot’s career?
What is your favorite aircraft? Why?
What is your major concern when you are planning a flight?
What is your opinion about Brazilian flight schools?
What tasks does a pilot need to perform as soon as they finish a flight?
What tips would you give to someone who is about to do their first check?
What training needs do today’s aviation professionals have?
What would you tell a student pilot who wants to work at an airline company and fly big aircraft?
When can a pilot refuse an ATC instruction?
When do pilots need to perform an emergency landing?
When will your next flight be?
Which one is more critical: landing or takeoff?
Why can miscommunication cause threats to the safety of the flight?
Why do flight attendants need to know English?
Why do jet airplanes require two pilots on the flight deck?
Why does a pilot need to maintain situational awareness high at all times?
Why is briefing important before flight?
Why is English important for pilots?
Why is it important for pilots to train constantly ?
Why is it important to check the weather before a flight? Give examples of bad weather.
Why is it important to report to the ATC when a pilot loses the navigation system?
Why is it important to study meteorology?
Why is it important to train emergency situations frequently?
Why is situational awareness important for a pilot?
Why should the briefing be kind?
Describe what happened during your last training in a simulator.
Do you remember the first airplane you flew?
Do you remember your first check ride?
Do you remember your first instructor’s recommendations?
How did you feel during your first check ride?
How did you feel on your first solo flight?
How enjoyable was your training to become a pilot?
How has the Brazilian aviation industry changed over the last 10 years?
How has the job of a pilot changed over the last 20 years?
How was your CRM training?
How was your experience of training to become a pilot?
How was your first flight as a pilot?
How was your first job as a pilot?
How was your pilot training?
How was your training for pilot incapacitation?
How was your training in relation to emergency situations?
Talk about the different types of aircraft you have flown .
Talk about the most beautiful airport you have ever landed at.
Talk about your background experience in aviation.
Talk about your first experience using phraseology in English.
Tell me about he best instructor you’ve ever had.
Tell us about the most difficult situation you have faced.
What aircraft have you especially enjoyed piloting? Why?
What changes have you experienced since you started flying?
What difficulties did you have to become a pilot?
What recommendations did your instructor give you before your check ride?
What was the most difficult phase of your career?
What was your biggest worry about taking flying lessons?
What were the good aspects of your training to become a pilot?
When was your first experience using aviation English?
When was your first experience using aviation English?
Which technological developments have had the biggest impact on the aviation industry in the last 10 years?
Who was the best flight instructor you’ve had?
Why and how did you make aviation your career?
Why did you decide to become a pilot?
Do you agree with the technologies that will replace pilots in the future? Why? Why not?
Do you believe 4-engine airplanes will still be flying in the future?
Do you believe pilots will be replaced by computers in the future?
Do you think there will be two pilots in the cockpit in the near future? Why (not)?
How do you see the displays in the cockpit in the next 10 years?
How do you think airspace will be managed in 20 years?
How do you think cockpits will change in the next 20 years?
How do you think the aviation community will deal with increasing concerns about the environment?
How will a pilot’s job change in the future?
How will air traffic control change over the next years?
How will future aircraft be?
How will future cockpits be?
In terms of technology, do you think there will be any improvement in communications?
In your opinion, how will airspace be in the next 20 years?
What are the biggest challenges the aviation industry will have to face from now on?
What are the Brazilian aviation industry perspectives?
What are your goals in aviation for the future?
What are your plans in aviation for the next 10 years?
What changes do you think aircraft will undergo in the future?
What do you think about phraseology and communication in the next 10 years?
What do you think about the aviation industry developments for the next 10 years?
What do you think about the job opportunities for pilots in the future?
What do you think will happen in relation to job opportunities for pilots?
What should companies do to improve their pilots’ training?
What technological changes do you think the aviation industry will see in the next ten years?
What will aviation be like in 10 years, in your opinion?
When will be your next flight?
When will we fly electrical airplanes?
Will manufacturers keep producing narrow body airplanes?
Will the computers help or not in the next 5 to 10 years in the cockpit?
Are stick-and-rudder skills significant for automated aircraft?
Do you prefer to fly during the day or during the night? Why?
Do you think air companies help their pilots to increase their English proficiency?
Do you think all ATC-pilot communication in Brazil should be in English?
Do you think aviation is safe?
Do you think the yearly health check is important and sufficient?
Explain runway excursion.
Explain runway incursion.
Have you ever had any abnormal situation during your flight?
How can a pilot avoid bad weather?
How can a pilot get prepared to start a missed approach?
How can airlines improve passengers’ security in case of emergency?
How can English skills improve pilot’s performance during his or her career?
How can you improve your skills as a pilot?
How can you keep your flight skills up to date?
How do pilots need to prepare themselves before a flight?
How do you handle stress in your profession?
How do you think you would react if an emergency situation happened to you during the cruise phase of a flight?
How does a pilot know the Vlof speed?
How does aviation contribute to an increase in environmental pollution?
How does communication affect aviation?
How does the ICAO level 4 help a pilot in his or her career?
How is the air traffic control at a very busy airport?
How often and why do pilots need to take medical exams?
How often do you use English during your flights?
How was your training for emergency situations?
How would you behave if you had emergency situations?
In your opinion, during an emergency situation, will all pilots behave the same way as they had the same kind of training?
In your opinion, should airlines always be held responsible in case of injury to passenger on board?
In your opinion, what is a good briefing? And a bad briefing? What can a bad briefing cause?
In your opinion, what will communications between pilots and air traffic controllers be like 10 years from now?
In your opinion, which phase of the flight is more dangerous: landing or takeoff?
Should a college degree become a requirement to get a job as pilot? Why or why not?
Talk about pilots’ duties and responsibilities.
Tell me about the Brazilian aviation industry nowadays.
Tell us about the airport you fly the most to.
The most critical phase of the flight
What are the biggest challenges facing the aviation industry at the moment?
What are the possible threats during landing?
What are the possible threats in landing procedures?
What are the strengths of a good pilot?
What are the threats of miscommunications on safety?
What are V1 and V2? Have you ever aborted takeoff?
What behavior should a pilot have when the other pilot is incapacitated?
What can happen to the flight if a captain doesn’t follow the CRM?
What can heavy rain cause to the flight?
What difficulties may you face when flying abroad?
What do pilots normally do while passengers are boarding the aircraft?
What do you do in aviation nowadays?
What do you like most about being a pilot?
What do you think about the runway surfaces?
What does a pilot need to do in order to improve his or her English skills?
What does a pilot need to do in order to improve his or her flight skills?
What does the captain expect from the first officer during a flight?
What emergency situations can a pilot face during flight?
What happens in case one of the flight crew doesn’t follow CRM?
What is a flap asymmetry?
What is a runway excursion?
What is a TCAS resolution?
What is a windshear and how dangerous is it?
What is the best airport you’ve flown to as a pilot?
What is the difference in responsibility between the captain and the first officer?
What is the importance of air transportation?
What is the importance of checking the weather before a flight?
What is the importance of English for aviation?
What is the most difficult part of a pilot’s career?
What is your favorite aircraft? Why?
What is your major concern when you are planning a flight?
What is your opinion about Brazilian flight schools?
What tasks does a pilot need to perform as soon as they finish a flight?
What tips would you give to someone who is about to do their first check?
What training needs do today’s aviation professionals have?
What would you tell a student pilot who wants to work at an airline company and fly big aircraft?
When can a pilot refuse an ATC instruction?
When do pilots need to perform an emergency landing?
When will your next flight be?
Which one is more critical: landing or takeoff?
Why can miscommunication cause threats to the safety of the flight?
Why do flight attendants need to know English?
Why do jet airplanes require two pilots on the flight deck?
Why does a pilot need to maintain situational awareness high at all times?
Why is briefing important before flight?
Why is English important for pilots?
Why is it important for pilots to train constantly ?
Why is it important to check the weather before a flight? Give examples of bad weather.
Why is it important to report to the ATC when a pilot loses the navigation system?
Why is it important to study meteorology?
Why is it important to train emergency situations frequently?
Why is situational awareness important for a pilot?
Why should the briefing be kind?
Describe what happened during your last training in a simulator.
Do you remember the first airplane you flew?
Do you remember your first check ride?
Do you remember your first instructor’s recommendations?
How did you feel during your first check ride?
How did you feel on your first solo flight?
How enjoyable was your training to become a pilot?
How has the Brazilian aviation industry changed over the last 10 years?
How has the job of a pilot changed over the last 20 years?
How was your CRM training?
How was your experience of training to become a pilot?
How was your first flight as a pilot?
How was your first job as a pilot?
How was your pilot training?
How was your training for pilot incapacitation?
How was your training in relation to emergency situations?
Talk about the different types of aircraft you have flown .
Talk about the most beautiful airport you have ever landed at.
Talk about your background experience in aviation.
Talk about your first experience using phraseology in English.
Tell me about he best instructor you’ve ever had.
Tell us about the most difficult situation you have faced.
What aircraft have you especially enjoyed piloting? Why?
What changes have you experienced since you started flying?
What difficulties did you have to become a pilot?
What recommendations did your instructor give you before your check ride?
What was the most difficult phase of your career?
What was your biggest worry about taking flying lessons?
What were the good aspects of your training to become a pilot?
When was your first experience using aviation English?
When was your first experience using aviation English?
Which technological developments have had the biggest impact on the aviation industry in the last 10 years?
Who was the best flight instructor you’ve had?
Why and how did you make aviation your career?
Why did you decide to become a pilot?
Do you agree with the technologies that will replace pilots in the future? Why? Why not?
Do you believe 4-engine airplanes will still be flying in the future?
Do you believe pilots will be replaced by computers in the future?
Do you think there will be two pilots in the cockpit in the near future? Why (not)?
How do you see the displays in the cockpit in the next 10 years?
How do you think airspace will be managed in 20 years?
How do you think cockpits will change in the next 20 years?
How do you think the aviation community will deal with increasing concerns about the environment?
How will a pilot’s job change in the future?
How will air traffic control change over the next years?
How will future aircraft be?
How will future cockpits be?
In terms of technology, do you think there will be any improvement in communications?
In your opinion, how will airspace be in the next 20 years?
What are the biggest challenges the aviation industry will have to face from now on?
What are the Brazilian aviation industry perspectives?
What are your goals in aviation for the future?
What are your plans in aviation for the next 10 years?
What changes do you think aircraft will undergo in the future?
What do you think about phraseology and communication in the next 10 years?
What do you think about the aviation industry developments for the next 10 years?
What do you think about the job opportunities for pilots in the future?
What do you think will happen in relation to job opportunities for pilots?
What should companies do to improve their pilots’ training?
What technological changes do you think the aviation industry will see in the next ten years?
What will aviation be like in 10 years, in your opinion?
When will be your next flight?
When will we fly electrical airplanes?
Will manufacturers keep producing narrow body airplanes?
Will the computers help or not in the next 5 to 10 years in the cockpit?
Are stick-and-rudder skills significant for automated aircraft?
Do you prefer to fly during the day or during the night? Why?
Do you think air companies help their pilots to increase their English proficiency?
Do you think all ATC-pilot communication in Brazil should be in English?
Do you think aviation is safe?
Do you think the yearly health check is important and sufficient?
Explain runway excursion.
Explain runway incursion.
Have you ever had any abnormal situation during your flight?
How can a pilot avoid bad weather?
How can a pilot get prepared to start a missed approach?
How can airlines improve passengers’ security in case of emergency?
How can English skills improve pilot’s performance during his or her career?
How can you improve your skills as a pilot?
How can you keep your flight skills up to date?
How do pilots need to prepare themselves before a flight?
How do you handle stress in your profession?
How do you think you would react if an emergency situation happened to you during the cruise phase of a flight?
How does a pilot know the Vlof speed?
How does aviation contribute to an increase in environmental pollution?
How does communication affect aviation?
How does the ICAO level 4 help a pilot in his or her career?
How is the air traffic control at a very busy airport?
How often and why do pilots need to take medical exams?
How often do you use English during your flights?
How was your training for emergency situations?
How would you behave if you had emergency situations?
In your opinion, during an emergency situation, will all pilots behave the same way as they had the same kind of training?
In your opinion, should airlines always be held responsible in case of injury to passenger on board?
In your opinion, what is a good briefing? And a bad briefing? What can a bad briefing cause?
In your opinion, what will communications between pilots and air traffic controllers be like 10 years from now?
In your opinion, which phase of the flight is more dangerous: landing or takeoff?
Should a college degree become a requirement to get a job as pilot? Why or why not?
Talk about pilots’ duties and responsibilities.
Tell me about the Brazilian aviation industry nowadays.
Tell us about the airport you fly the most to.
The most critical phase of the flight
What are the biggest challenges facing the aviation industry at the moment?
What are the possible threats during landing?
What are the possible threats in landing procedures?
What are the strengths of a good pilot?
What are the threats of miscommunications on safety?
What are V1 and V2? Have you ever aborted takeoff?
What behavior should a pilot have when the other pilot is incapacitated?
What can happen to the flight if a captain doesn’t follow the CRM?
What can heavy rain cause to the flight?
What difficulties may you face when flying abroad?
What do pilots normally do while passengers are boarding the aircraft?
What do you do in aviation nowadays?
What do you like most about being a pilot?
What do you think about the runway surfaces?
What does a pilot need to do in order to improve his or her English skills?
What does a pilot need to do in order to improve his or her flight skills?
What does the captain expect from the first officer during a flight?
What emergency situations can a pilot face during flight?
What happens in case one of the flight crew doesn’t follow CRM?
What is a flap asymmetry?
What is a runway excursion?
What is a TCAS resolution?
What is a windshear and how dangerous is it?
What is the best airport you’ve flown to as a pilot?
What is the difference in responsibility between the captain and the first officer?
What is the importance of air transportation?
What is the importance of checking the weather before a flight?
What is the importance of English for aviation?
What is the most difficult part of a pilot’s career?
What is your favorite aircraft? Why?
What is your major concern when you are planning a flight?
What is your opinion about Brazilian flight schools?
What tasks does a pilot need to perform as soon as they finish a flight?
What tips would you give to someone who is about to do their first check?
What training needs do today’s aviation professionals have?
What would you tell a student pilot who wants to work at an airline company and fly big aircraft?
When can a pilot refuse an ATC instruction?
When do pilots need to perform an emergency landing?
When will your next flight be?
Which one is more critical: landing or takeoff?
Why can miscommunication cause threats to the safety of the flight?
Why do flight attendants need to know English?
Why do jet airplanes require two pilots on the flight deck?
Why does a pilot need to maintain situational awareness high at all times?
Why is briefing important before flight?
Why is English important for pilots?
Why is it important for pilots to train constantly ?
Why is it important to check the weather before a flight? Give examples of bad weather.
Why is it important to report to the ATC when a pilot loses the navigation system?
Why is it important to study meteorology?
Why is it important to train emergency situations frequently?
Why is situational awareness important for a pilot?
Why should the briefing be kind?
Do you prefer to fly during the day or during the night? Why?
Do you think air companies help their pilots to increase their English proficiency?
Do you think all ATC-pilot communication in Brazil should be in English?
Do you think aviation is safe?
Do you think the yearly health check is important and sufficient?
Explain runway excursion.
Explain runway incursion.
Have you ever had any abnormal situation during your flight?
How can a pilot avoid bad weather?
How can a pilot get prepared to start a missed approach?
How can airlines improve passengers’ security in case of emergency?
How can English skills improve pilot’s performance during his or her career?
How can you improve your skills as a pilot?
How can you keep your flight skills up to date?
How do pilots need to prepare themselves before a flight?
How do you handle stress in your profession?
How do you think you would react if an emergency situation happened to you during the cruise phase of a flight?
How does a pilot know the Vlof speed?
How does aviation contribute to an increase in environmental pollution?
How does communication affect aviation?
How does the ICAO level 4 help a pilot in his or her career?
How is the air traffic control at a very busy airport?
How often and why do pilots need to take medical exams?
How often do you use English during your flights?
How was your training for emergency situations?
How would you behave if you had emergency situations?
In your opinion, during an emergency situation, will all pilots behave the same way as they had the same kind of training?
In your opinion, should airlines always be held responsible in case of injury to passenger on board?
In your opinion, what is a good briefing? And a bad briefing? What can a bad briefing cause?
In your opinion, what will communications between pilots and air traffic controllers be like 10 years from now?
In your opinion, which phase of the flight is more dangerous: landing or takeoff?
Should a college degree become a requirement to get a job as pilot? Why or why not?
Talk about pilots’ duties and responsibilities.
Tell me about the Brazilian aviation industry nowadays.
Tell us about the airport you fly the most to.
The most critical phase of the flight
Should a college degree become a requirement to get a job as pilot? Why or why not?
Talk about pilots’ duties and responsibilities.
Tell me about the Brazilian aviation industry nowadays.
Tell us about the airport you fly the most to.
The most critical phase of the flight
Should a college degree become a requirement to get a job as pilot? Why or why not?
Talk about pilots’ duties and responsibilities.
Tell me about the Brazilian aviation industry nowadays.
Tell us about the airport you fly the most to.
The most critical phase of the flight
Talk about pilots’ duties and responsibilities.
Tell me about the Brazilian aviation industry nowadays.
Tell us about the airport you fly the most to.
The most critical phase of the flight
Talk about pilots’ duties and responsibilities.
Talk about pilots’ duties and responsibilities.
Talk about pilots’ duties and responsibilities.
Describe what happened during your last training in a simulator.
Do you remember the first airplane you flew?
Do you remember your first check ride?
Do you remember your first instructor’s recommendations?
How did you feel during your first check ride?
How did you feel on your first solo flight?
How enjoyable was your training to become a pilot?
How has the Brazilian aviation industry changed over the last 10 years?
How has the job of a pilot changed over the last 20 years?
How was your CRM training?
How was your experience of training to become a pilot?
How was your first flight as a pilot?
How was your first job as a pilot?
How was your pilot training?
How was your training for pilot incapacitation?
How was your training in relation to emergency situations?
Talk about the different types of aircraft you have flown .
Talk about the most beautiful airport you have ever landed at.
Talk about your background experience in aviation.
Talk about your first experience using phraseology in English.
Tell me about he best instructor you’ve ever had.
Tell us about the most difficult situation you have faced.
What aircraft have you especially enjoyed piloting? Why?
What changes have you experienced since you started flying?
What difficulties did you have to become a pilot?
What recommendations did your instructor give you before your check ride?
What was the most difficult phase of your career?
What was your biggest worry about taking flying lessons?
What were the good aspects of your training to become a pilot?
When was your first experience using aviation English?
When was your first experience using aviation English?
Which technological developments have had the biggest impact on the aviation industry in the last 10 years?
Who was the best flight instructor you’ve had?
Why and how did you make aviation your career?
Why did you decide to become a pilot?
Describe what happened during your last training in a simulator.
Do you remember the first airplane you flew?
Do you remember your first check ride?
Do you remember your first instructor’s recommendations?
How did you feel during your first check ride?
How did you feel on your first solo flight?
How enjoyable was your training to become a pilot?
How has the Brazilian aviation industry changed over the last 10 years?
How has the job of a pilot changed over the last 20 years?
How was your CRM training?
How was your experience of training to become a pilot?
How was your first flight as a pilot?
How was your first job as a pilot?
How was your pilot training?
How was your training for pilot incapacitation?
How was your training in relation to emergency situations?
Talk about the different types of aircraft you have flown .
Talk about the most beautiful airport you have ever landed at.
Talk about your background experience in aviation.
Talk about your first experience using phraseology in English.
Tell me about he best instructor you’ve ever had.
Tell us about the most difficult situation you have faced.
What aircraft have you especially enjoyed piloting? Why?
What changes have you experienced since you started flying?
What difficulties did you have to become a pilot?
What recommendations did your instructor give you before your check ride?
What was the most difficult phase of your career?
What was your biggest worry about taking flying lessons?
What were the good aspects of your training to become a pilot?
When was your first experience using aviation English?
When was your first experience using aviation English?
Which technological developments have had the biggest impact on the aviation industry in the last 10 years?
Who was the best flight instructor you’ve had?
Why and how did you make aviation your career?
Why did you decide to become a pilot?
Do you remember the first airplane you flew?
Do you remember your first check ride?
Do you remember your first instructor’s recommendations?
How did you feel during your first check ride?
How did you feel on your first solo flight?
How enjoyable was your training to become a pilot?
How has the Brazilian aviation industry changed over the last 10 years?
How has the job of a pilot changed over the last 20 years?
How was your CRM training?
How was your experience of training to become a pilot?
How was your first flight as a pilot?
How was your first job as a pilot?
How was your pilot training?
How was your training for pilot incapacitation?
How was your training in relation to emergency situations?
Talk about the different types of aircraft you have flown .
Talk about the most beautiful airport you have ever landed at.
Talk about your background experience in aviation.
Talk about your first experience using phraseology in English.
Tell me about he best instructor you’ve ever had.
Tell us about the most difficult situation you have faced.
What aircraft have you especially enjoyed piloting? Why?
What changes have you experienced since you started flying?
What difficulties did you have to become a pilot?
What recommendations did your instructor give you before your check ride?
What was the most difficult phase of your career?
What was your biggest worry about taking flying lessons?
What were the good aspects of your training to become a pilot?
When was your first experience using aviation English?
When was your first experience using aviation English?
Which technological developments have had the biggest impact on the aviation industry in the last 10 years?
Who was the best flight instructor you’ve had?
Why and how did you make aviation your career?
Why did you decide to become a pilot?
How was your training for pilot incapacitation?
How was your training in relation to emergency situations?
Talk about the different types of aircraft you have flown .
Talk about the most beautiful airport you have ever landed at.
Talk about your background experience in aviation.
Talk about your first experience using phraseology in English.
How was your training for pilot incapacitation?
How was your training in relation to emergency situations?
How was your training in relation to emergency situations?
Talk about the different types of aircraft you have flown .
Talk about the most beautiful airport you have ever landed at.
How was your training in relation to emergency situations?
How was your training in relation to emergency situations?
Talk about the different types of aircraft you have flown .
Talk about the most beautiful airport you have ever landed at.
Talk about your background experience in aviation.
Talk about your first experience using phraseology in English.
Talk about the different types of aircraft you have flown .
Talk about the most beautiful airport you have ever landed at.
Talk about your background experience in aviation.
Talk about your first experience using phraseology in English.
Talk about the different types of aircraft you have flown .
Talk about the different types of aircraft you have flown .
Talk about the different types of aircraft you have flown .
Talk about your background experience in aviation.
Talk about your first experience using phraseology in English.
Tell me about he best instructor you’ve ever had.
Tell us about the most difficult situation you have faced.
What aircraft have you especially enjoyed piloting? Why?
Talk about your background experience in aviation.
What aircraft have you especially enjoyed piloting? Why?
What changes have you experienced since you started flying?
What difficulties did you have to become a pilot?
What recommendations did your instructor give you before your check ride?
What was the most difficult phase of your career?
What was your biggest worry about taking flying lessons?
What were the good aspects of your training to become a pilot?
When was your first experience using aviation English?
When was your first experience using aviation English?
Which technological developments have had the biggest impact on the aviation industry in the last 10 years?
Who was the best flight instructor you’ve had?
Why and how did you make aviation your career?
Why did you decide to become a pilot?
What was the most difficult phase of your career?
What was your biggest worry about taking flying lessons?
What were the good aspects of your training to become a pilot?
What was the most difficult phase of your career?
What was the most difficult phase of your career?
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